2024 Preservation Award
Historic Augusta

Each year, Historic Augusta recognizes organizations that have made significant
contributions to the preservation, of historic sites. Meadow Garden was selected for the award based on the extensive work related to our Long-Range Preservation and Restoration Plan.
Porter Fleming Grant 2024
by the Trustees of the Academy of Richmond County
The Porter Fleming Foundation directs the Trustees of the Academy to “contribute annually to the educational, literary, artistic, scientific, historical, musical, and cultural enrichment of the lives of the residents of the City of Augusta and the geographical area.” This grant will be used to expand and enrich the interpretation in the cellar kitchen and weaving room.
2021 State Historic Preservation Project Contest ~ First Place
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

“The purpose of this contest is to recognize and honor an NSDAR chapter or state society that has completed an outstanding project in historic preservation.”
2020 Excellence in Stewardship Award
The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation

“For more than 40 years, the Trust has recognized preservation projects and individuals in the state who have made significant contributions to the field of historic preservation.”
Tourism Grant
2008 – 2011, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024, 2025
Augusta Convention and Visitors Bureau

“The Augusta Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) Tourism Grant Program is designed to enhance visitor and tourism promotional efforts, and tourism product development for the Augusta area.”
Historic Preservation Grant 2016
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

“The DAR Historic Preservation Grants provide financial support for local community projects that preserve historic resources, sites and other history-related projects.”
Watson Brown Grant 2012

“The Watson-Brown Foundation awards grants to qualifying organizations that have an abiding interest in the history and culture of the South.”
Historic Augusta Award 2006

“Each year, Historic Augusta recognizes property owners who have made significant contributions to the preservation, rehabilitation, and/or restoration of historic buildings and sites.”